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Friday, May 20, 2011

Ice cream strawberry


  • 210 grams sugar
  • 4 eggs yolks
  • 300 grams fresh milk
  • 200 grams fresh cream
  • 200 grams fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 fresh lemon, squeeze, take the water
  • 100 mililiters water
  • 20 grams pasta strawberry ice cream ( strawberry ice pasta )
How to Make
  1. beat sugar and egg yolks with a ballon wisk until thickened, then set aside.
  2. heat the fresh milk and fresh cream over the fire until almost boiling, then remove from heat
  3. enter the cooked milk into egg mixture, stirring constantly.
  4. cook returned by way of steaned dough, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula until thickened ( thin stick on wooden spatula ) rmove, let stand until cold.
  5. combine starberries, lemon juice, and water blend until smooth, then insert it into the dough which is cool, mix well.
  6. add pasta strawberry ice cream to the batter and stir well.
  7. enter the dough into the refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours or until dough is cool enough
  8. remove the dough from the refrigerator, put in ice cream machine. process until thickened and looks heavy rotation
  9. enter the ice cream into a container, store in freezer to make it harder until ready to serve
  10. serve
Good Luck